Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Causes Of The Holocaust Essays - Racism, Antisemitism
The Causes of the Holocaust Post World War I Germany saw difficult times. Germans were searching for a reason to blame someone for their problems and extremist groups such as the Nazis provided a focus for the German people. Some historians will argue that extreme nationalism was the cause of the Holocaust because of the power of the Nazi party. While a large part of this is true, Germany's anguish after World War I sent people looking for reasons to blame someone or something for their burdens, Germany's humiliation after World War I, its dire economic situation, and antisemitism all came together to cause the Holocaust. Germany's embarrassment after losing World War I was one of the major reasons for the cause of the Holocaust. After Germany's defeat in World War I, Germans found it hard to believe they had lost the war. The Treaty of Versailles was a document that officially ended military actions against Germany (Craig 424). Germans did not like this treaty because their government would have to pay other countries for their economic losses (Allen 57). Germany also lost all of its colonies overseas. It had to give back provinces to France, Belgium, and Denmark. France got German coal mines and Gda sk, now a city in Poland, became a "free city." Poland gained most of Western Prussia and Germany's Rhineland was demilitarized, although allied troops occupied it for fifteen years after the war (Shirer 59). The Treaty also solely held Germany responsible for the War in a "war guilt" clause which greatly upset the Germans. When the German government saw the treaty, they heavily opposed i! t; however they had to accept it. Germany's new republican government ratified it in 1919. Germany's defeat in the war and the provisions in the Treaty of Versailles, officially ending the war, greatly outraged the German people. Germany had lost everything, the economy was in a decline and there was an extremely high unemployment rate. The Germans wanted to restore their nation to its former greatness (Hashoah 28). They wanted to complete this task of restoration in a very short amount of time. German citizens also started looking for a reason for their defeat. A new political party called the National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nazis, began its climb by bringing back old prejudices and blaming the Jews for Germany's defeat in the first World War. These were some of the factors that came together to cause the rise of Hitler's Third Reich and the slaughter of twelve million innocent people in the Holocaust. Germany's bad economy in the 1920's and 30's was a factor for the cause of the Holocaust and the Rise of the Third Reich. After the Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919, Germany owed other nations money for their economic losses during World War I. This made Germany very poor in the early twenties. In 1923, inflation reached its climax in Germany which made the German Mark lose its value and virtually wiped out the middle class. The German economy was so bad that cartoons were drawn depicting middle class Germans carting around their few possessions and money in wheel barrows. Middle class citizens became more susceptible to appeals from extremist groups such as the Nazis which came about in the years following World War I because they had provided a focus for Germany's problems. Less than three years after German's economy had somewhat stabilized, it went in to a severe economic depression along with the rest of the Western world in 1929. During the years of econom! ic depression the Weimar Republic, who ruled Germany from 1919 to 1933, was criticized for not being able to deal with Germany's problems effectively and efficiently. The Communist and the National Socialist Parties were supported by most of the German voters by 1933 because of Germany's economic problems (Shirer 258). Antisemitism was by far the biggest factor for the cause of the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party were behind this antisemitism campaign. When Hitler and the Nazi party gained power, they made antisemitism an official government policy. Germans were looking for a quick way out of their problems and, by listening to Hitler, they believed they found a quick way out. His reason was the Jews, and Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany's economic problems and its defeat in World War I. Hitler blamed the Jews because, he said that the Jews were not German and
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Cómo renovar pasaporte americano para adultos y niños
Cà ³mo renovar pasaporte americano para adultos y nià ±os Los ciudadanos estadounidenses deben renovar a tiempo su pasaporte porque necesitan estar en posesià ³n de su vlido pasaporte para viajar al extranjero y regresar a EEUU, à salvo casos muy especialesà en los que se admiten otro tipo de documentos. Adems, para viajes de Canad, Mà ©xico, Bermudas hacia EEUU es suficiente para los ciudadanos tener una Tarjeta de pasaporte (Passport Card,) siempre y cuando la entrada se realice por tierra o por mar, no por aeropuerto. Los requisitos para renovarla son los mismos pero es ms econà ³mica. En este artà culo se informa sobre los tres posibles casos que se dan para renovar el pasaporte americano, de quà © debe saberse antes de solicitarla y de quà © documentos pueden utilizarse para acelerar el paso en los controles migratorios. 3 casos de renovacià ³n de pasaporte americano Hay que distinguir entre tres posibles situaciones y cada persona debe seguir las reglas que le aplican segà ºn lo siguiente: cuando la persona que renueva tiene ms de 16 aà ±os y puede renovar por correo,à tanto en USA como cuando se encuentra en otro paà s.Cuando no se puede renovar por correo y hay que personarse para la solicitud, aà ºn cuando se tiene ms de 16 aà ±os.Los casos de nià ±os menores de 16 aà ±os, para los que aplican reglas especiales, tanto dentro de Estados Unidos como fuera. Renovacià ³n del pasaporte americano por correo Para estar capacitado para solicitar la renovacià ³n por correo es necesario cumplir todas y cada una de las siguientes condiciones: El pasaporte actual està © en buen estado y puede ser enviado con la solicitudFue emitido cuando su titular era mayor de 16 aà ±osFue emitido hace menos de 15 aà ±osEl pasaporte actual est en buen estadoEst al nombre actual de su titular o puede demostrar con un documento legal su cambio de nombre El titular del pasaporte que solicita la renovacià ³n puede encontrarse en Estados Unidos o en el extranjero. En este à ºltimo caso, verificar con la pgina del consulado porque puede haber reglas distintas segà ºn el lugar. Para solicitar la renovacià ³n debe completarse el formulario DS-82 en la computadora o a a manualmente con tinta negra y asegurarse de firmarlo. Adems, una fotografà a de pasaporte tomada en los à ºltimos seis meses debe unirse al documento DS-82 en el espacio habilitado para ello. En el caso de encontrarse fuera de los Estados Unidos, asegurarse de cumplir las reglas de medidas de la foto que, en muchos casos, son diferentes a las que aplican en otros lugares. Es fundamental respetar las medidas que se piden en el formulario DS-82 y que aparecen claramente indicadas. Adems del formulario DS-82 debidamente cumplimentado, firmado y con fotografà a deben enviarse los siguientes documentos: El pasaporte ms reciente. Se regresar ms tarde en un paquete diferente al el que se envà a el pasaporte nuevo.Si el nombre del titular ha cambiado, una copia certificada del certificado de matrimonio o de la orden de la corte.El pago de las correspondientes tasas. Se debe pagar con una money order o con un cheque. Nunca envà e dinero. Si se est en el extranjero, leer detenidamente los tipos de cheque que se admiten y tambià ©n la cantidad exacta ya que puede estar cambiada a la moneda local. Tambià ©n fijarse en el nombre exacto que debe aparecer en la parte de a quià ©n es pagadero el cheque. Se recomienda enviar por correo certificado a la direccià ³n que aparece en el formulario y que es diferente segà ºn se trate de una tramitacià ³n ordinaria o urgente, si se est en el interior de Estados Unidos.Si se est en el exterior, se envà a a la Embajada o al Consulado que corresponda. En cuanto al tiempo de tramitacià ³n, generalmente se tarda entre 3 y seis semanas y ms pero puede pagarse una tarifa para acelerar el procesoà si se est dentro de Estados Unidos.à Si existiera una urgencia para obtener el pasaporte, se puede acudir a una Agencia autorizada. Cuando se est en el extranjero y existe una emergencia por la que es necesario viajar a Estados Unidos, es posible contactar con una embajada o consulado, demostrar la emergencia y recibir un documento para viajar que tiene una fecha limitada en el caso de tener el pasaporte expirado. En este caso, vez que se realiza el viaje, hay que solicitar un pasaporte regular bien dentro de Estados Unidos o en el extranjero. Cundo un adulto no puede solicitar la renovacià ³n del pasaporte por correo No se puede aplicar por correo para renovar el pasaporte americano cuando no cumplen con todos y cada uno de los los requisitos seà ±alados anteriormente. Por ejemplo, cuando se ha tenido un pasaporte pero emitido como nià ±o menor de 16 aà ±os. En estos casos en los que se pide por primera vez la renovacià ³n pero como adulto es necesario presentarse en persona en una agencia u oficina autorizada, si se est dentro de Estados Unidos o en la Embajada o consulado, si se est en otro paà s. Un caso comà ºn en el que no se puede solicitar por correo la renovacià ³n del pasaporte americanoà de un adulto es el de supuesto de robo o extravà o del pasaporte. Puede ser un gran dolor de cabeza y estoà es lo que hay que hacer tan pronto como uno se dà © cuenta de que no tiene el pasaporte en su poder. En estos casos,à documento a llenar es el DS-11. Renovacià ³n de pasaporte de menores Los pasaporte de nià ±os tienen reglas especiales para evitar situaciones muy desafortunadas como el secuestro de un menor.à Para evitar esos tipos de problemas los menores de 16 aà ±os tienen pasaportes por sà ³lo 5 aà ±os y deben estar presentes junto con sus padres en el momento de solicitar la renovacià ³n del pasaporte. Esto aplica tanto en Estados Unidos como cuando se est fuera del paà s. El gobierno es consciente de que a veces es complicado o imposible que los dos padres està ©n presentes, por eso establece reglas sobre cundo no es necesaria la presencia de los dos progenitores y tambià ©n quà © se puede hacer cuando aà ºn siendo obligatoria la vida real hace que sea imposible o muy difà cil. Si se tiene un nià ±o que es ciudadano estadounidense es conveniente informarse sobre documentacià ³n que pueden necesitar si viajan solos en un viaje internacional o si lo hacen con solo uno de sus padres. De informacià ³n de interà ©s antes de solicitar la renovacià ³n En algunos casos, elà no estar al dà a en el pago de la pensià ³n de alimentosà es causa para que se deniegue la renovacià ³n del pasaporte. Otro punto de interà ©s es que si se viaja mucho esà posible pedir un libro de pasaporte conà ms pginasà que el regular. Ahora ya no es posible pedir que se aà ±adan ms hojas pero sà que se entregue un pasaporte con ms pginas que el ordinario. Simplemente, marcar esa opcià ³n al rellenar el formulario de solicitud. Verificar avance de la gestià ³n Puede verificar el estado de la tramitacià ³n en la pgina oficial del Departamento de Estado para estos fines. Documentos para acelerar el paso de control migratorio Ingresar a Estados Unidos puede ser una labor que se demora mucho tiempo. Para acelerar los pases por la frontera se han creado diferentes programas para los que se puede aplicar. Por ejemplo, si se viaja por avià ³n y se llega a un aeropuertoà Global Entry y APCà pueden resolver. Por el contrario, si el cruce es terrestre entreà Canad y USA: Nexusà es el programa al que se puede aplicar. Y, finalmente, si se trata de un cruce terrestre o marà timo entre Estados Unidos y Mà ©xicoà SENTRIà es el programa que puede ayudar a evitar las demoras que se producen en los puentes internacionales, particularmente en los dà as feriados. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Profile of MSNBC Host Chris Matthew
Profile of MSNBC Host Chris Matthew Chris Matthews is the feisty, outspoken host of MSNBCs Hardball, a top-rated program devoted to political news and analysis.à Matthews is known for his blunt, outspoken style and tough grilling of interviewees, and for his in-depth knowledge of and love for politics. He has produced a number of acclaimed special news programs for MSNBC, including Rise of the Right in 2010, a look at the rhetoric of violence and discrimination of rightwing extremists. Political Views Chris Matthews has been accused of being both too liberal and too conservative. In truth, hes an independent thinker, not prone to political extremism. His views are colored more by his Catholic convictions than by partisanship. As a young man, Matthews was a conservative Goldwater supporter until he was attracted to the anti-war, pro-civil rights 1968 presidential campaign of fellow Irish Catholic Eugene McCarthy. Matthews has worked for four Democratic leaders, and yet, since 2001, has spoken to an array of conservative organizations. Matthews has openly stated,à Im more conservative than people think. Earlier Positionsà 1968-70 - Peace Corps, in Swaziland1973-74 - After knocking on 200 doors on Capitol Hill, Matthews landed a staff position with Sen. Frank Church (D-UT).1974 - Unsuccessful run for Congress from Philadelphia1974-81 - Speech-writer and advisor to Sen. Ed Muskie (D-ME) and President Jimmy Carter.1981-87 - Administrative assistant and chief spokesman for Speaker of the House Tip ONeill (D-MA). As a powerful top aide to the Speaker, Matthews honed his political skills and masterful understanding of the political process. He also made invaluable Capitol Hill contacts. Tip ONeill retired in 1987. Broadcast Newspaper Journalist: 1987 - Briefly worked for Government Research Corp, a private company.1987 - 2000 - Washington D.C. bureau chief for the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper2000 - 2002 - Nationally syndicated columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle1997 - Debut on CNBC of Hardball with Chris Matthews, later moved to MSNBC. Hardball airs daily on weekdays, and as needed for special political coverage.2002 - Debut of The Chris Matthews Show, a 30-minute weekend news and political roundtable program produced by NBC News. Honors and Publicationsà In addition to 17 honorary doctorates, Matthews has been awarded: David Brinkley Award for Excellence in Broadcast JournalismAbraham Lincoln Award from the Philadelphia Union LeagueThe Gold Medal Award from the Pennsylvania Society Chris Matthews has authored 4 best-selling books: Hardball: How Politics Is Played Told By One Who Knows The Game (1988) Kennedy Nixon: The Rivalry That Shaped Postwar America (1996) Now, Let Me Tell You what I Really Think (2001) American: Beyond Our Grandest Notion (2002) Personal Data Birth - December 17, 1945 in Nicetown, Pennsylvania, a Philadelphia suburb, to Herb Matthews, a court reporter, and Mary. The Matthews, conservative Irish Catholics, had 4 other sons, Herb, Jim, Bruce and Charlie.Education - B.A. 1967, College of the Holy Cross. Graduate work in economics, University of North Carolina.Family - Married in 1980 to Kathleen Matthews. 3 children, Michael, Thomas, Caroline.Faith - Roman Catholic Chris Matthews suffers from diabetes, and was hospitalized in fall 2006 for diabetic complications. He also survived a bout of malaria in 2002 that he likely contracted in Africa. Marriage and Family Chris Matthews has been married to Kathleen Matthews since 1980. Kathleen Matthews is an award-winning news anchor/producer who covered D.C. news, mainly for ABC, for over twenty-five years. à In late 2006, she was named Executive VP - Communications Public Affairs of Marriott International. Born in 1953 in Los Altos Hills, California, the oldest of five children, she was a 1975 honors graduate from Stanford University, where she majored in American Studies and played varsity tennis. Kathleen Matthews is active in charitable causes, sits on many non-profit boards, and with Chris, co-chairs a capital campaign for D.C. Catholic Charities. She holds 10 honorary doctorate degrees. Chris and Kathleen Matthews have three children. Their son Michael (b. 1982) is a filmmaker who graduated from Brown University in 2005. Their son Thomas (b. 1986) is an actor who has starred in American Hustleà , Joy, and HBOsà à The Newsroom.à Their daughter, Caroline (b. 1989), who graduated from high school in 2007, has absorbed her fathers interest in Africa, and formed an AIDS awareness school club. In 2006, Caroline participated in a service project at an AIDS orphanage in Kenya, and wrote about her experience in a Newsweek magazine article. Chris Matthews brother Jim Matthews was defeated in his 2006 run as the Republican candidate for Pennsylanias Lieutenant Governor. Memorable Quotes by Chris Matthews On Press Coverage of the Iraq War It is like we are at war - we have killed 15,000 people that died over there in that war, we still get guys knocked off every couple of days, a couple more guys are killed - and yet it is not on the tube. Itââ¬â¢s like, are we bored with the war now? Is that the new thing? We donââ¬â¢t cover a war guys are fighting? And I watch the news, I donââ¬â¢t see the war any more. It has been taken off television, and Bush must love it. Certainly Karl Rove loves the fact that the Iraq War has gotten boring for the American people. - Radio Interview with Don Imus, September 21, 2006 Advice to Aspiring Political Journalists Ive had one helluva an apprenticeship for what Im doing on television: fifteen years in politics, fifteen years writing for San Francisco newspapers. I wouldnt have any of this if I hadnt gone to Washington and gotten in the door. Thats what youve got to do: get yourself in the game. - May 16, 2004 Commencement Address to Hobart and William Smith Colleges On Liberals and Conservatives The liberals will talk about poverty, injustice, and racism, and nuclear war, and pick that part of the Christian message from Jesus, and the conservatives will find the evils of sodomy, the evils of, uh, uh, infidelity, the evils of sex of any form. It seems like the conservatives donââ¬â¢t like sex and theyââ¬â¢re very focused on that and the liberals are focused on social injustice. - March 9, 2007 on MSNBCs Hardball On His 2002 Bout with Malaria The important thing, I think, is how the experience affected me. There is no adequate emotional accounting for the effect of all those flowers, plants, fruit baskets, letters and phone calls. Or for the calm joy of simply having my crazed career engines turned off for a couple of weeks. Or for the love that has flowed from Kathleen and the rest of my world. - Speech in August 2002, transcript at Peace Corps Online
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Childhood Obesity as an Epidemic in America Assignment
Childhood Obesity as an Epidemic in America - Assignment Example Many parents have the habit of feeding their children with fatty and sweetly foods. They wanted to see their children in good health. Overweight is often visualized by them as the symbol of health. But in reality, it is not so. Even though parents are keen on feeding their children with food, they are not so in forcing the children to engage in some physical workouts to shed the excessive calorie intakes. Exercise plays an important role in reducing childhood obesity. Karnik & Kanekar pointed out that ââ¬Å"Lack of playtime, little or no physical education at schools, video games and excessive TV viewing time are proposed as the major cause of the childhood obesity epidemicâ⬠(Karnik & Kanekar, p. 4). The government should implement compulsory physical education at school levels. Along with academic subjects, physical education and exercises should be made the part of the curriculum. 2. HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, passes through breastfeeding to 1 in 7 infants born to HIV-infected mothers. However, in developing countries, some HIV-positive women are advised to breastfeed. Explain this advice, considering what you know about the benefits of breastfeeding.à ââ¬Å"Even in high-income countries, breastfed babies are less likely to become ill than those given replacement foodsâ⬠(HIV & Breast Feeding). However, HIV mothers are normally advised to stay away from breastfeeding to prevent the spreading of HIV. It should be noted that breastfeeding is one of the major activities which spreads HIV among infants. ââ¬Å"Under exceptional circumstances, and after seeking expert professional advice on reducing the risk of transmission of HIV through breastfeeding, a highly informed and motivated mother might be assisted to breastfeedâ⬠(HIV & Breast Feeding). The merit of breastfeeding against the possibility of spreading HIV is taken into theà consideration while the authorities ask the HIV mothers to breastfeed their children.Ã
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Managerial Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Managerial Skills - Essay Example Managers and all other employees need to constantly plan how they will be able to communicate with their fellow managers and other employees for good communication to be able to take place in any organization. At times, it may also be important for managers and other staff members to evaluate exactly what they will need to wear to meetings and other gatherings within the work area, so as to evaluate the impact that that particular mode of dressing will eventually have on the various conversations that the individual will engage in. However, one aspect of all interpersonal communication skills not only within organizations but also among individuals outside the organization that is constantly seen to receive the least attention to is the listening aspect (Collins and Rourke, 2009). It is fairly rare to find individuals planning on how they will listen to conversations so as to be able to accurately and quickly respond to them (Wolvin, 2011), however, listening is arguably one of the k ey pieces in an individualââ¬â¢s interpersonal communications skill set. ... s of written communication, workers also spend about 13.3% of their time on average engaged in reading while they also spent a whooping 23% of their time speaking. However, these figures comparatively dim in light of the fact that they usually spend about 55% of their total time at work engaged in listening. Managers who clock an average of about 60% of their time listening are seen to spend even more time at work engaged in listening. While company executives spend an event higher amount of time of approximately 75% engaged in listening (Collins and Rourke, 2009). The key problem in the listening aspect of most organizations lies in the fact that individuals generally tend to get a dismal 50% of all that happens to be said to them. They also only manage to retain only about 25% of what has been said to them with after a time frame of about 48 hours (Thomas, 2007). These figures tend to portray a relatively dim image of the overall development of listening skills in organizations. Th e fundamental objectives that will be targeted by this paper will to essentially try to highlight the importance of the development of adequate listening skills. To do this, the paper will essentially cover some of the individual theoretic concepts that are found to be key in the evaluation of listening skills. The paper will also look to address my own individual action plans in relation to the development of my own listening skills as well as highlighting my achievements during the development of my own listening skills. Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 What are Listening Skills? 5 Theories of Listening Skills 6 Individual Report 8 The Application of the Theory of Attentive Listening to the Development of my Listening Skills 9 Measures of Achievement 10 The Application of the Theory
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Definition aspects of empathy Essay Example for Free
Definition aspects of empathy Essay When empathy is defined cognitively, the construct of sympathy is found to be similar to a traditional measure used for studying the interpersonal sensitivity or perception of a person. This translates to a highly empathic person being skilled at decoding cues related to anotherââ¬â¢s feelings or behaviour and hence is accurate in predicting anotherââ¬â¢s feelings or behaviour. This in turn translates to the ability to infer the target individualââ¬â¢s thoughts, feelings and personality characteristics from a variety of verbal and non-verbal cues. Hence this definition and measurement has important applications in areas of processes involving social influences such as teacher-student, physical-patient relationships. Another definition moves beyond the understanding of another personââ¬â¢s emotional state or situation. It emphasises on the vicarious emotional reaction that is occur in the observer as a result of understanding the emotional state of the other individual. Here empathy is a state of emotional arousal that comes from the apprehension or comprehension of anotherââ¬â¢s affective emotional state. For example, if an individual observes another person who is sad and then feels sad themselves, then the person is experiencing empathy. This can also be translated in case the individualââ¬â¢s emotion is positive and the observer feels similarly positive. Empathy can be experienced over a wide range of emotions. (Randall, et al, 2001) Major Components of Empathy Although there are various definitions for empathy, it is widely accepted that there are three primary components. The components can be listed as follows: (i) an affective response to another person, often involving sharing of the personââ¬â¢s emotional state; (ii) a cognitive capacity to understand and take the perspective of another person; and (iii) regulation of emotion. According to Hoffman, empathy is largely involuntary response to affective emotional cues from the other person. Batson et al (1997) associate empathy with intentional role taking ability which taps into the cognitive resources. These two different aspects of empathy takes into affect depending on how empathy is triggered. Depending on the trigger the behaviour of the observer is automatically mimics the expressions of other, which is the bottom-up processing. Top-down processing happens when the observer uses his or her capacity for imaginative transposing of oneself into the thinking and the feeling of the subject. Both the aspects of empathy are involved differentially depending on the situation. (Decety, et al , 2006) Empathy and Its Use in Health Industry In the recent years, it has been found that empathetic communication enhances the therapeutic effectiveness in a clinician- patient relationship. It also helps in increasing the effectiveness of gathering information in the clinical interviewing process. In medical care, empathy improves the communication and provides several advantages. Some of these advantages are improved health for the patients, better patient compliance, reduction in risk in terms of medical legal aspects, and improved satisfaction among the clinicians. Empathy is the key element that enables better communication. Frederic Platt devised a set of key steps to effective empathy. This includes the following aspects i. Recognising the presence of strong feeling like fear, anger, grief, disappointment and otherââ¬â¢s emotions in the clinical settings; ii. Pausing to imagine how the patient might be feeling at a particular point of time; iii. Stating the perception of the feelings of the patient. Examples of such statements are ââ¬Å"I can imagine that must be like.. â⬠or ââ¬Å"It sounds like you are upset about â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ iv. Legitimising the feeling of the patient; v. Respecting the patientââ¬â¢s effort to cope with the discomforts and issues; vi. Offering support and partnership for solving the predicaments. This could be expressed in statements such as ââ¬Å"I am committed to work with you toâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ or Letââ¬â¢s see how we can solve this together. â⬠For other areas such as psychiatrists or mental health personnel, it is important to be aware of the opportunities for empathy when they arise during the interview with the patients. Here it may not be important for empathetic communication as such. The opportunity of empathy arises from the patientââ¬â¢s emotion. This emotion may be directly expressed or implied by the patient. When this emotion is expressed, it provides and opportunity for the physician to respond empathetically. Wendy Levinson studied the frequency of empathy opportunities with over 116 office visits to primary care and surgical physicians. In more than half of the cases, it was found that the patients presented the clues in subtle ways, not overtly. In just 38 percent of the surgical cases and in 21 percent of the primary care cases, the physicians responded to the clues. In other cases, the physicians missed the opportunity for empathy. It is usually possible to find medical clues in the fabric of the discussions about the medical problems. If the physician is busy attending to the biomedical details of diagnosis, then they are likely to miss the opportunity for empathy. Most of the times, the patients are likely to provide the opportunities again, and in some cases multiple times. Once the empathy opportunity is found by the physician, it is essential for the physician to offer a gesture or statement of empathy. The statements of empathy can be categorized into different groups. The key groups are queries, clarifications and responses. Examples of queries can be similar to the questions such as ââ¬Å"can you tell me more about that? â⬠, ââ¬Å"what has this been like for youâ⬠, ââ¬Å"how has all of this made you feel? â⬠. Clarifications can have the following forms: ââ¬Å"Let me see if I have got this right.. â⬠ââ¬Å"Tell me more about â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"I want to make sure I understood what you have saidâ⬠. Responses have the following forms: ââ¬Å"Sounds like you are .. â⬠ââ¬Å"I imagine that you must be.. â⬠ââ¬Å"I can understand, that must make you feel â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ In most of the cases, the patients express agreement to the statements and confirm the feeling. In case the physician has not understood the patientââ¬â¢s experience exactly, then they can use Hypothesis-Test ââ¬âFeedback Loop. It allows the patient to clarify their experience and also allows the physician to clarify his or her experience. This allows the physician to reinstate the empathetic statement that was missed in the earlier attempt.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Stones From The River Essays -- essays research papers
Ursula Hegi's novel, Stones From The River, exposes the reader of the persecutions of religious beliefs, a gossiping dwarf, and the people of Burgdorf, a small German town in the time of the Nazi Holocaust. The novel is set in World War I and continues through World War II. The Second World War is brought on by the hunger of power it is known as the otherness war. 'In the Third Reich otherness is a crime.';(Chadwick 2) Hitler, a Nazi leader, wants to gain control of Germany and surrounding countries. Hitler is a feared name even in our society today. We see things through the narrator's eyes. The novel has many flat characters in it. However, some characters are more developed than others are. Each character has a connection to the narrator whether he/she is a friend, a neighbor, or a bully at school. This novel is unique to Hegi because of her background. She lives in a 'suburb of 'Dusseldorf'; before she immigrates to the United States in 1965'; (Simon 1). It was unusual for her to write about this because the people who survive the holocaust never will talk about the past, they all believe in the 'tight lip' philosophy. In the novel Jews, Catholics, and Protestants become victims of the Nazis. Religious prejudices are common throughout the novel. However, Hegi portrays Catholicism as the primary faith. The author scatters many fairy tales and stories inscripted about the different types of religion throughout the text. 'Catholic water rusted Jewish cars.';(Hegi 88) However, the priest says, 'Protestant babies [are] pagan babies…and the Jewish babies [are] like Protestant babies,'; because they are not christened. (Hegi 58) In both the Jewish and Catholic religion different beliefs and celebrations bring commeraderie to the inhabitants of Burgdorf. While the Jews believe that Jesus is an exemplary man, but not God incarnate, the Catholics believe that Jesus lived and has died for our sins at the hands of the Romans. Catholics celebrate the Christ's Last Supper by receiving communion, a major sacrament in Catholicism because; communion in the Catholic Church is believed to be the body and blood of Jesus. It is believed that when one receives communion that all of one's sins will be wiped away. During the month of December the Jewish celebrate Hanukkah, while the Catholics celebrate St. Nikolaus and Christ's birth in Christmas. We celebrate his ... ...fferent than the rest provided a peaked interest to Max. He cares for her uniqueness not because she is different. Couples in today's society are always trying to change people and make them someone they are not. If one thinks they are going to change a person's personality and actions. Then they need to step back and take a good look at them maybe they are the ones who need to change. Stones From the River, is a wonderful novel. Hegi takes us through the World Wars and explains to us the affects they have on our society. Trudi in the novel takes in and helps shelter those who are hiding from the law. She believes that god put her here to help others and she does, with her gift of storytelling. If we all took the time to help one another than we should all get along. Jews, blacks, gays, and cripples are looked down upon. We are programmed to see people's flaws and to discriminate against those who have these differences. Many colleges have a diversification program that it sends all students through, but this is not solving our ignorance of race or gender. If we as a society become well educated on the horrific affects of our actions we could all live as one race, the human race.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Is Google Making Us Stupid Essay
In the article of ââ¬Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?â⬠, Nicholas Carr argues that the Internet is changing the way our mind works and has some negative effects on our lives. In the article of ââ¬Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?â⬠, Nicholas Carr argues that the Internet is changing the way our mind works and has some negative effects on our lives. The article begins with that the Internet is the excellent resource where we can find whatever we want for everything, and we are becoming more and more dependent on it in the field of writing, reading and so on. Afterwards, Carr claims that it has a large distraction on our mind, and we even cannot concentrate on a long reading material. As he said, technology is becoming more important than people. In the end, he also tells us that Google is trying to invent an artificial brain to replace our ââ¬Å"slowâ⬠brains that we already have. In the article of ââ¬Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?â⬠, Nicholas Carr argues that the I nternet is changing the way our mind works and has some negative effects on our lives. He views the idea that the Internet is an obstacle for individuals to think deeply, and it is rebuilding our mind and memory. As Carr said, nowadays, it is so difficult for him to focus on a long paper; instead, he always spends a lot of time on the Internet. In the past, the writers like him should stay in the library to study for several days, but now, because of the Internet, it just takes them a couple of minutes. As Marshall McLuhan, a media theorist argued that although media provided us with a huge number of information and thoughts, it also rebuilt our process of thought. A study of online research habits, done by scholars from University College London, shows that our ways of reading and thinking have a large change. From the study, it is obvious that users are using a new way to read instead of traditional sense: they often do a quick view of titles, contents pages and abstracts to get the information they want rapidly, and they seldom read the same materials twice even though they have already saved them online. According to a developmental psychologist named Maryanne Wolf, when we read on the In ternet, we have lost our ability to understand the article, imagine from the article and think deeply without distraction by ourselves. As a result, we need to train our brains to translate the words we see into theà words we understand. Carr believes that our brains are malleable. Since we had the clock, we had started to schedule our time to eat, to work, to study, to sleep and to wake up by a clock instead of our senses. As the development of the technology, our concentration is being dispersed to much media like TV, the Internet, the mobile phones, e-mails and so on. The Internetââ¬â¢s effect is more than the size of screen, and it seems to be more important than human. As Google declared that they wanted to make information more organized and convenient so that we can use them anytime and anywhere. Afterwards, we will ââ¬Å"absorbâ⬠more and more resources faster and faster, and everyone will be a thinker. Indeed, Google makes our life simple. Nonetheless, Carr is suspicious of it, maintaining that we have lost a quiet area to think deeper and read dedicatedly. Finally, he considers that most people s eem to be the machine. As Kubrickââ¬â¢s dark prophecy said, ââ¬Å" as we come to rely on computers to mediate our understanding of the world, it is our own intelligence that flattens into artificial intelligence.â⬠Response: After reading ââ¬Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?â⬠, I agree with Carr about how the Internet negatively influences our lives, and I start to be worried about my future. As we know, the Internet is more and more popular in the world, especially for our millennial. As the result of the advanced development of technology, we have to do a quick read or learn something as soon as we can in order to adapt in the environment. Due to the Internet, I can find anything I want so that it is more easily to get knowledge, and I am used to devoting less time and put less effort on study. I am becoming lazy to think deeper and to do much read, in consequence, my memory seems to be worse because the technology can help me to remember things and then remind me of them. I have already realized that how much of distraction the Internet has. When I read a long article, I have the same feeling as Carrââ¬â¢s that I cannot be concentrated on the reading, while I like to check my phones for many ti mes or change to do other things. I spend much more time on Tweeter and Facebook, and I thought I knew everything of the world through the social media, but actually, I forgot to think of the news deeply and critically. Works Cited Carr, Nicholas. ââ¬Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid.â⬠50 Essays: A Portable Anthology. 4th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martinââ¬â¢s, 2014. 91-101. Print.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A Rose for Emily vs the Lottery
Robert Brockel Brockel1 Dr. Robert Janusko English 2 19 February 201 Foreshadowing There are many ways that a reader can be prepared for the ending of a story, ââ¬Å"The Lotteryâ⬠and ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emilyâ⬠are two very grueling short stories with a long suspense and a similar plot. The narratorââ¬â¢s stance in ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emilyâ⬠was first-person observer, which is defined as a single character point of view in which the narrator was is not involved with the story and the narratorââ¬â¢s stance in ââ¬Å"The Lotteryâ⬠was third-person anonymous which is involves a narrator that does not enter any minds.Both stances conceal the endings and both the stories use imagery and foreshadowing to prepare the reader for the ending. ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emilyâ⬠contains more direct clues but leaves you second guessing whether what is anticipated really happens. ââ¬Å"The Lotteryâ⬠is better known for concealing the entire story till the ending. Shirle y Jacksonââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Lotteryâ⬠is a very surprising story to say the least and gives an overview in the beginning of a small American town of three hundred people that have an annual ritual called ââ¬Å"the lottery. There are significant parts of the story that adumbrate the end of the story and leave the reader in a muddle until the end. First off, in the beginning of the story, the children of the town have just finished school Brockel 2 for the summer on a beautiful June day and they are running around gathering stones to form into a pile. The anticipated ritual is performed to ensure a good harvest even though they do not remember this. One character named Warner quotes an old proverb, ââ¬Å"Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon. Knowing how the story ends its hard to understand that people in an old American town would sacrifice one for the belief that is would give them decent fruitage for the months to come. This story would have a better affiliation with anothe r part of the world where people live in cannibalistic tribes; then it would be easier to predict the ending. Shirley Jackson leaves her audience in the dark until the ending. Tessieââ¬â¢s late arrival at the lottery ritual instantly sets her apart from the crowd of town people, and the Mr.Summers makes a statement to her ââ¬Å"Thought we were going to have to get on without youâ⬠(Pg4p9). The town people have prescience about Tessieââ¬â¢s fate. When Mr. Summers asks whether the Watson boy will draw for him and his mother, no reason is given why Mr. Watson wouldnââ¬â¢t draw as all the other husbands and fathers do, which suggests that Mr. Watson may have been last yearââ¬â¢s victim. William Faulknerââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emilyâ⬠is a very chilling story that opens with a brief first-person account of the funeral of Emily Grierson who is an old widow.Her father died when Emily was about thirty and she refused to accept that he was dead for three days. Mr. Grierson choked Emilyââ¬â¢s social ability. After a life of having potential husbands rejected by her father, she spends time after his death with a newcomer, Homer Barron who is a northern laborer. Emily buys arsenic from a shop in town for no Brockel 3 possible reason, which gives her neighbors the idea that she is going to kill herself.Whether or not she is going to kill herself, the reader does not know but the fact that the narrator mentions the poison implies that someone is going to die. She then takes the life of the man whom she refuses to allow to abandon her while the house is a symbol of a shield as she is the outsider of the town and no one knows of the death until she passes away. Faulkner describes her later in the story as someone bloated and pallid with steel hair. This signifies death is close by.Her death ignited a great deal of curiosity about her reclusive individuality. After she was buried, a group of local citizens entered her house to see what remained of her life there. The door to her bedroom was locked kicking in the door they see what had been hidden for so long. Inside, among the possessions that were in Emilyââ¬â¢s room were wedding material and the horribly decomposed corpse of Homer Barron on the bed. On the pillow beside him was the indentation of her head, and a single thread of Emily's grey hair.This could be foreshadowed by the disappearance of Homer Barron and the horrible odor that was in the air. We learn a lot about the lottery, including the elements of the tradition that have survived or have been lost. We learn about the significance of the lottery and how important it is to the villagers, particularly Old Man Warner. We also read through the entire ritual, hearing characters names and watching the men approach the box to take their slips. But Shirley Jackson never tells us what the lottery prize is until the moment the first rock is thrown at Tessie. A Rose for Emilyâ⬠Is a very similar situation in the B rockel 4 sense that we learn about almost everything, how queer the life of Emily Grierson is, the struggle she went through with losing her father, and the curiosity of the citizens from the town. The things we are not aware of are concealed within her house until they kick open her upstairs bedroom door. Both narrators, with different points of view, prepare the audience for the story without giving away the ending.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Sociologists Take Historic Stand on Racism and Police Brutality
Sociologists Take Historic Stand on Racism and Police Brutality The 2014 annual meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) took place in San Francisco on the heels of the killing of unarmed black teen, Michael Brown, at the hands of a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. It also happened during a community uprising shrouded in police brutality, so many sociologists in attendance had the national crises of police brutality and racism on their minds. The ASA, however, created no official space for discussion of these issues, nor had the 109-year-old organization made any kind of public statement on them, despite the fact that the amount of published sociological research on these issues could fill a library. Frustrated by this lack of action and dialog, some attendees created a grassroots discussion group and task force to address these crises. Neda Maghbouleh, Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Toronto-Scarborough, was one of those who took the lead. Explaining why, she said, ââ¬Å"We had a critical mass of thousands of trained sociologists within two blocks of each other at ASA- equipped to marshal history, theory, data, and hard facts toward a social crisis like Ferguson. So ten of us, complete strangers, met for thirty minutes in a hotel lobby to hash out a plan to get as many concerned sociologists as possible to contribute to, edit, and sign a document. I was committed to helping in any way possible because itââ¬â¢s moments like these that affirm the value of social science for society.â⬠The documentâ⬠Dr. Maghbouleh refers to is an open letter to U.S. society at-large, that was signed by over 1,800 sociologists, this author among them. The letter began by pointing out that what transpired in Ferguson was born of ââ¬Å"deeply ingrained racial, political, social and economic inequities,â⬠and then specifically named the conduct of policing, especially in black communities and in the context of protest, as a serious social problem. The authors and signatoriesà implored ââ¬Å"law enforcement, policymakers, media, and the nation to consider decades of sociological analysis and research that can inform the necessary conversations and solutions required to address the systemic issues that the events in Ferguson have raised.â⬠The authors pointed out that much sociological research has already established the existence of society-wide problems present in the case of Ferguson, like ââ¬Å"a pattern of racialized policing,â⬠historically rooted ââ¬Å"institutionalized racism within police departments and the criminal justice system more broadly,â⬠à the ââ¬Å"hyper-surveillance of black and brown youth,â⬠and the disproportionate targeting and disrespectful treatment of black men and women by police.à These troubling phenomena fosterà suspicion about people of color, create an environment in which it is impossible for people of color to trust police, which in turn undermines the ability of police to do their job: serve and protect. The authors wrote, ââ¬Å"Instead of feeling protected by police, many African Americans are intimidated and live in daily fear that their children will face abuse, arrest, and death at the hands of police officers who may be acting on implicit biases or institutional policies based on stereotypes and assumptions of black criminality.â⬠They thenà explained that brutal police treatment of protestors is ââ¬Å"rooted in the history of repression of African American protest movements and attitudes about blacks that often drive contemporary police practices.â⬠In response, sociologists called for ââ¬Å"greater attention to the conditions (e.g., joblessness and political disenfranchisement) that have contributed to the marginalization of residentsâ⬠of Ferguson and other communities, and explained that ââ¬Å"focused and sustained government and community attention on these issues is required to bring about healing and a change in the economic and political structures that have thus far ignored and left many in such areas vulnerable to police abuse.â⬠The letter concluded with a list of demands required for ââ¬Å"an appropriate response to the death of Michael Brown,â⬠and to address the larger, nation-wide issue of racist police policies and practices: Immediate assurance from law enforcement authorities in Missouri and the federal government that constitutional rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of the press will be protected.A civil rights investigation into the incidents related to the death of Michael Brown and general police practices in Ferguson.The establishment of an independent committee to study and analyze the failures of the policing efforts during the week following Michael Brownââ¬â¢s death. Ferguson residents, including leaders of grassroots organizations, should be included on the committee throughout this process. The committee must provide a clear roadmap for resetting community-police relations in a way that grants oversight power to residents.An independent comprehensive national study of the role of implicit bias and systemic racism in policing. Federal funding should be allocated to support police departments in implementing the recommendations from the study and ongoing monitoring and public reporting of key benchmarks (e.g., use of force, arrests by race) and improvements in police practices. Legislation requiring the use of dash and body-worn cameras to record all police interactions. Data from these devices should be immediately stored in tamper-proof databases, and there should be clear procedures for public access to any such recordings.Increased transparency of public law enforcement, including independent oversight agencies with guaranteed full access to law enforcement policies and on-the-ground operations; and more streamlined, transparent and efficient procedures for the processing of complaints and FOIA requests.Federal legislation, currently being developed by Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), to halt the transfer of military equipment to local police departments, and additional legislation to curtail the use of such equipment against domestic civilian populations.Establishment of a ââ¬ËFerguson Fundââ¬â¢ that will support long term strategies grounded in the principles of social justice, systems reform and racial equity to bring about substantial and sustained c hange in Ferguson and other communities facing similar challenges. To learn more about the underlying issues of systemic racism and police brutality, check out The Ferguson Syllabus compiled byà Sociologists for Justice. Many of the readings included are available online.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Mentoring Program Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Mentoring Program - Research Proposal Example So, first of all, it seems necessary to define what particular outcomes we should expect from implementing an own mentoring program. One of the most significant is, I believe, developing a high performing team of professionals. Since team work is an essential part of our operations, it is important that our employees understand and accept this principle. Especially important it is because we cannot provide each with a mentor. Therefore, the first task to be accomplished while designing our mentoring program is choosing which particular people will be directly participating in the program. 2.1.1. 360 Degree Evaluation For this purpose I suggest to conduct a 360 degree evaluation: The 360 Degree Feedback System has recently experienced a wide spread among the organization wishing to improve and enhance their performance measuring systems. This particular method involves getting a feedback on an employeeââ¬â¢s performance not only from a supervisor, as we do now, but also from four to eight peers, reports, colleagues or customers. In most cases the system also requires an employee oneself to assess own performance in an individual assessment (Heatfield, 2008). So, in addition to giving the manager an opportunity to get a wide range perspective on the employeeââ¬â¢s performance, this system enables the supervisor to understand how the employeeââ¬â¢s performance is viewed by others ââ¬â that is to base evaluation not only on own perception, but on otherââ¬â¢s opinions as well.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Bioremediation Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Bioremediation Questions - Essay Example In Situ bioremediation skill developing as a less expensive, more effectual option to the average pump-and-treat techniques applied to clean up aquifers and soils polluted with organic chemicals (e.g., chlorinated solvents), however, has since developed in dimension, to tackle explosives, inorganic, as well as toxic metals (e.g., Chromium).Ã ISB has the prospective to offer advantages like destruction of the pollutant(s), lesser risk to site workers, as well as lower equipment/operating expenses (Singh, Ajay, and Owen, 20). Oil remediation is the procedure employed to clean up oil spills. However, Oil spills threaten the fitness of beings plus are harmful to the surroundings and might be remedied in a diversity of means. The risk level plus the exact oil remediation applied depend on the dimension of the spill, the oil, the location of the spill as well as the climate where the spill takes place. The most favored technique of oil remediation, particularly in the water, is to leave it alone as well as allow it naturally disintegrates (Alexander 35). Moreover, when there is no threat of leaks influences marine wildlife or coastal areas, the wind, ocean currents, sun, as well as waves will efficiently break up as well as evaporate most types of oil. The lighter the oil the simpler it will break down as expected. Having the oil with booms as well as gathering it with skimmer gear is another technique of oil remediation for a leak in the water, apart from for the high seas. Moreover, Booms might be made of a broad array of materials plus come in a huge diversity of forms (Singh, Ajay, and Owen 25). Depending on the dimension of the leak, they might be positioned in deep water, float consistently with the water line or sit above the water line up to one meter. When the oil is contained, it is sucks out plus positioned in nearby vessels. In several cases, it
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